Please join us on our journey of Love, Support & Hope

Maurice J. Spagnoletti was a prominent N.J. banker tragically killed in June, 2011. His legacy, however, lives on – of upholding the highest moral and ethical values for the American banking system – the cornerstone of the American Dream. He was an honest man, with deep faith and a sincere desire to help others.

Maurice was the beloved husband of Marisa and the loving father of Lucy, their little girl. Marisa’s and Maurice’s prayers to restore Lucy’s health issues were answered when they met Dr. John Connor. Through his outstanding medical expertise and care, Lucy’s health flourished. Maurice committed to financially support Dr. Connor’s efforts to helping children in New Jersey, as well as internationally, where Dr. Connor performs free surgeries for orphans through the Children of China Pediatrics Foundation (CCPF).

In the days that followed Maurice’s tragic death, family, friends and strangers sent donations to help fulfill Maurice’s promise to help the man Maurice referred to as “our hero.” As the donations mounted, CCPF opened a rehabilitation training program for chronically disabled and post-surgical orphans in his honor – the Maurice J. Spagnoletti Rehabilitation Program. Since 2013 Marisa has supported these efforts by holding annual Handbag Auctions, raising tens of thousands of dollars for charity.

Marisa was determined that, while Maurice may no longer be with us, his legacy would live on – with the Maurice J. Spagnoletti Foundation. The Foundation sprang from the love Marisa shared with Maurice, which she still holds dear. Grateful for the support she received, Marisa is committed to supporting others in need. Finally, while still grieving, Marisa is taking steps to help foster hope in others, as Maurice did with everyone he touched in life.

Marisa Spagnoletti describes the founding of the Mauice J. Spagnoletti Foundation (Jun 5, 2017 )